A truly collaborative success; creating an employment pathway for unemployed individuals.
Public-Private Partnerships: Vital, DWP Neath, Cardiff Council, Swansea Council, Absolute Training & Assessing
A public – private sector partnership business case for the creation of an employment pathway for unemployed individuals within two separate county council regions, with separate Department of Work (DWP) entities was approved. Vital Rail, a major national support services provider for the Rail industry was selected as the private sector partner. Absolute Training & Assessing, with its training and assessment facility specialising in the delivery of Network Rail approved competency course was asked to assist Vital. Cardiff Council and Swansea Council were also key stakeholders on the project. The project’s methodology was established, with defined structures and processes within an agreed project cycle.
Potential candidates were scrutineered for suitability, initially by respective DWP then by Vital. This process also included a full day of induction on a private rail where skills and competencies were demonstrated by Absolute and Vital working in collaboration. Candidates were also drug and alcohol (D&A) screened during the induction day. An unsuccessful D&A result didn’t mean the candidate was off the programme. They were offered advice on lifestyle choices, with the option to step back onto the programme later.
The remaining six candidates were then enrolled onto an intense 10-day PTS Track Induction course, under the tuition of Absolute. This course concluded on Friday 8th July with all candidates attaining the required skills and test grades. All are now within the employ of Vital Rail, with guaranteed future employment.
This has been a truly life changing project for those involved and lays the foundations for future public – private collaborative success.